The 4 Pillars of Destiny

The 4 Pillars of Destiny

Know what fate has in store for you

The 4 Pillars of Destiny

Destiny Code

The term BaZi 八字  or 4 Pillars of Destiny is derived from the presentation format of an individual’s personal energy chart, which takes the form of 4 Pillars and 8 Chinese Characters.

In Chinese Astrology, the day and time of your birth are seen as an energy blueprint that tells a specific story. This date and time of birth is represented by what’s known as a “Four Pillars Chart“. The Four Pillars are the Year, the Month, the Day and the hour of your Birth and each one represents one’s lessons, gifts, talents, and challenges.

This chart outlines events and life-path that are in store for you in the future. The events are predetermined to some extent but can be modified by the effects of your decisions.

Destiny Code

By understanding yourself and the energy and lessons that you were born with, you can consciously choose differently. With awareness, it is possible to change all aspects of yourself and in the process change the outcome and personally grow.

In short, Destiny Analysis allow us to investigate the mystery behind your life purpose, your inert talent, personality, strengths & weaknesses. The the basic premise of the BaZi is to help you understand your unique cosmic blueprint, so you can arm yourself with the knowledge and power to steer your fate in any direction you desire!

How accurate is BaZi Analysis?

The possibility of two people having identical BaZi charts are 1 in 12.96 million. It also takes 240 years for the next cycle to produce another case of identical BaZi. With such differentiation, a high level of detailed calculations is required in order to have accuracy while trying to unravel one's destiny

When a person is born, they capture the energy or the elements of that exact moment, and the composition of these elements is your fingerprint in the world. BaZi is like your spiritual fingerprint that explains the WHY of your life, and give you clues about the HOW to transform it.

Understanding your inner self will help you create a successful, happy life. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will give you powerful insights into the best timing, the best opportunities, and the best relationships in your life. This is the basic premise of the Bazi.

How accurate is BaZi Analysis?
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The animals of the Zodiac


Strengths: adaptable, quick-witted, optimistic, considerate, versatile, outgoing.

Weaknesses: timid, stubborn, picky, lack of persistence, self-centered.

Years of Rat

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020


Strengths: Loyal, honest, responsible, hard-working, logical.

Weaknesses: Less-talkative, conservative, stubborn, overcautious.

Years of Ox

1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021


Strengths: Less-talkative, conservative, stubborn, overcautious.

Weaknesses: Rebellious, overconfident, stubborn, emotional.

Years of Tiger

1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
